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Garmin Express & No Map Data

nuvi 1490MT All latest updates installed.

1) Express doesn't recognize the 16GB memory card--keep getting a "not enough space" message. Absolutely no way to overcome this bug. Workaround was to plug card into directly into USB and download to computer pathing to that drive letter. Express still doesn't see it but I do get an acknowledgement that all maps are current along with updates. Who knows, maybe they are--maybe they aren't. Can't find a way to confirm it. Boot Camp says loaded maps are not "lockable".

2) Now, my unit simply gives me the message "No Map Data". There is no way to get past this stage so the 1490 has now become a hockey puck. One solution found is to remove the battery and reset everything. I would do that if I could find a screw driver that fits those screws. Still searching my local stores.

I have to say that this map update process is the most frustrating experience I have ever had with any electronic/frimware/software device.
  • I did all that and I also confirmed the card is good. Yes, the "not enough space" message came up, I put the card in and it still doesn't see it. If the card is good and Boot Camp sees it and the computer sees it, the only conclusion can be that the unit is faulty. It has never been dropped nor has it been exposed to anything that may harm it.
  • I guess you mean Basecamp?

    Yes, it's possible the card slot could be faulty. I take it that it does 'click' into place so it is fully seated? Although if Basecamp is seeing it that indicates to me it's working.
  • One more note: Before reformatting the SD card, Boot Camp recognized the maps on it and listed them as "unlockable". But the two map sets were there. I could repeat direct-to-SD download, but if the 1490 doesn't see the card, there is little point in doing that now.

    How did you check that your nuvi doesn't see the card?
  • How did you check that your nuvi doesn't see the card?

    It was a logical assumption, but an incorrect one. It looks like the problem is solved.

    Right at the outset of trying to update the maps, I checked to see if Express and the unit's software was up to date. Over the process, I checked that four or five times and each time I received the message that it was current. I went through the same procedure about 20 minutes ago and Express showed that there was an update--this didn't happen before. I downloaded the update, relaunched Express, ran the device recognition facility and it found the 1490. When I asked for the download of new maps, it recognized the SD card and it has now downloaded the maps and is in the process of updating them--using the SD card. So it was an Express version issue all along.

    I will get back to you for a final report.

    Thanks to all for your assistance. This seems to have been a very unusual set of circumstances.
  • Good to know, although there is no reason why an older version of Express shouldn't work. I suspect there may have been a couple of issues going on and in all of your work you've corrected them.
  • Well, the older version had always caused me a lot of grief. The unit is all up to date and working as it should. I'm getting the data from Map>Info so it's all there. I configure my Win 7 computer from the command prompt in DOS (or what used to be called DOS--few changes but mainly the same over all these years). I'm quite savvy when it comes to computer issues. My machine is used for graphics apps and needs to run clean, and it does. Except for it being a software or a registry issue, I cannot explain why Express thought it was up to date. I did remove some superfluous stuff from the 1490 itself (voices, vehicles), but I doubt that had anything to do with Express updating (after some five attempts). When I uninstalled and reinstalled Express, I removed all registry entries as well. Once I reinstalled it and ran the update a couple of more times, it finally gave me the available update message.

    Anyway, all is good for now.


  • Good to know, I'll close this thread. A new map update is due shortly so you'll be able to try it all again soon :)