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Where is My Collection file stored

Former Member
Former Member
Hello & Help,

I would like to know where Basecamp stores the My Collection file, because my 'My Collection' vanished when I upgraded Basecamp? I have backups but I can not figure out what file to restore -I have read the manual and searched these forums.

Thank you all !
  • Great information, thanks!!

  • Same problem under Mac OS X Catalina when updated to BaseCamp 4.8. Found these locations:

    /Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/Database/4.6/AllData.gdb
    /Users/[user_name]/Library/Application Support/Garmin/BaseCamp/Database/4.7/AllData.gdb

    My problem was caused by having installed 4.6 and 4.7 but working only with 4.6 due to issues with 4.7. When 4.8 gets started the first time, it copies the highest versioned folder it finds (in my case 4.7) to 4.8.

    Problem solving was to shut down BaseCamp. Then deleting the 4.8 and 4.7 folders and restarting BaseCamp. Now it copied the 4.6 folder to 4.8.