Script error on that page - VIRB EDIT - API ISSUES

Hello all,

Today i had a issue when i tried to gauge my GPX metrix on video. When i choose the file and the app dont show the map on left panel, open a window saying that happens an error on script page.

Line: 0

Car: 0

Error: Script Error

Code: 0


Want execute theses script in that page? Yes  or No?

img link:

after i click on yes, shows another message:

You are using an incompatible browser with API maps JavaScript. Try to use another browser.

Know more > link:


link img:

Last week i gauge another video with gmetrix without issues. This thing happens w someone?

  • I'm the developer of Telemetry Overlay, not Virb Edit. Sorry

  • Hi Kajuna,
    I am/was a VerbEdit user to process all my paragliding flights.
    I usually record full videos of flights that can last from approximately 10 minutes to 4 hours.
    I tried the telemetry overlay test and let me tell you what I think:
    + It was easy to produce/export a video, although it would be nice to have a paragliding preset. VirbEdit took me a few weeks to fully understand and produce videos. But it was free.
    + Export directly to HEVC (h265) and in recorded format, in my case 2704*1520 50fps. In VirbEdit the output is AVC (h264), we need to edit the export settings to have the correct frame size and recode with ffmpeg if we want a better HEVC codec. This is a huge advantage for your software.
    + SLOPE meter, also a big plus, I didn't find this in VerbEdit
    + the interface is much easier.
    - VirbEdit has prettier meters, probably in my opinion, and I also only tested Telemetry Overlay for a short time. It would be nice to have the ability to insert and use verbEdit meters in Telemetry Overlay.
    - Sync is not using MAPS like the VirbEdit feature which was broken after all. Could this be added to the telemetry overlay? I record with a GoPro 10 which works as a GPS. But I also record GPS on my cell phone and usually synchronize it with it, as I believe it has a better location as it acquires several satellite systems along with the barometer sensor.
    - The price, VirbEdit is free and Telemetry is sold for €140 with one year of support and updates. Does this mean we need to pay after the first year if we need to upgrade?
    Another good feature that Telemetry Overlay should include is the possibility of ordering the computer to shut down after the export is finished.
    In short, I found Telemetry Overlay to be a very good application and I will probably buy it as no alternatives for VirbEdit were found.

  • Thanks for your constructive feedback, jvmkite. To address your concerns:

    - It may take time to discover all the possible gauge types and styles, Custom gauges, etc. Of course styles do not match what you get with Virb Edit, but the range of possibilities is quite wide

    - You can use maps for sync, just not in the Trial version. See the Sync tutorial for some examples: And the Maps tutorial for more advanced map options (as opposed to Virb Edit, you can display map/satellite imagery in the video):

    - After the first year of included support and updates, you can subscribe to extend them at a fraction of the initial cost. Basically users subscribe if they think the new features are worth it for them

    - The built in presets are just starting points for creating your own layout. I would suggest testing all of the presets (from the bottom left Patterns section) and then picking the gauges you like best from each one. Then save your own "Pattern" and maybe set it as the default from the general settings.

    - Auto shuthdown after the Export Queue is done is on the to-do list, but given the number of feature requests I cannot confirm implementation dates.

  • when adding gauges in the same category, can it stay at the add gauge stage and let us click all gauges we want at once? instead of going back to add gauges for adding a second gauge.

  • Hi looks, That will be considered for future updates. Thank you for your suggestion. Once you have a set of gauges you like, you can save them as a "Pattern" from the bottom left options, and then set the file as your default from the top right general settings to make your worklow faster the next time

  • And I would say everyone write to garmin because of tge error and a wish of a Update or New Programm 

  • workaround is looking at strava times while adjusting the time on virb. 

  • If someone provides me the source code of the Garmin Virb Edit Desktop it could help solving the issue. (the links here seems to not contain any of it VIRB | Open Source | Garmin Developers)

  • I am finding a way and adjusting it in the following way.

    1. Import video - Import GPX file

    2. Find the start time of the video in the Strava log and press G matrix synchronization to roughly synchronize. (Difference within 10 seconds is recommended).

    3. Record the time of the section in the video where the speed becomes 0 or suddenly intervals, and check the time gap with the data.

    4. Find the path to the attached image, enter the folder on the date the video was created, and edit the video data-related files.
    -. Example: Because the gap between the part where the speed is 0 in the video and the telemetry is 4 seconds, two data points were modified as shown on the right.

    5. Check sync.

    It's a bit cumbersome, but it seems to be the only way for now.
    Also, if you want to adjust it very sensitively, you will have to adjust it in 0.1 second increments as well, but I will just adjust it in increments of 1 second.

    *I cannot upload image, please press the link and check images..