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Anyone use the continuous pulse ox during sleep? What are your results?

Hey guys,

Curious if anyone uses the continuous pulse ox during sleep? I want to get other people's results.

I have been having some sleeping troubles for a while now, and I have noticed that my Venu shows that my oxygen level regularly drops throughout the night. Generally to as low as 85%. As low as 82% one time. This seems concerning to me, as I am in good physical shape and relatively young (29 y/o). I'm reading online, that normal sleep blood ox should not drop below 88%. 

I am concerned that I may have sleep apnea or some other form of sleeping disorder.  Before I get to carried away and start seeing doctors etc, I wanted to see what other people are seeing from their watch, to rule out any inaccuracies etc.

Thanks everyone! 

  • If my actual readings matched what the Venu says my doctor would have a coronary. I use a medical-grade device that measures both SpO2 and respiration accurately. The respiration rate is way off, my respiration stays fairly constant all night, it never drops, but the Venu is all over the place. The pulse ox also shows drops that don’t exist. If you are worried about your oxygen level, a widely available FDA-approved oximeter, the CMS50F, costs a third of what the Venu costs and will record all night. A Windows PC is required to see the nightly results. You WILL need to be able to read the concise pidgin english manual!

  • I'm 35 years old male, i was also diagnosed with Hashimoto 6 years ago when i was 29. My anti-tpo value is around 750, which is supposed to be max 35. My immune system identifies my thyroid  as a threat and generates way too many antibodies, around %2000 !

    Unfortunately, medicine science has nothing to do with this, like many of other auto-immune diseases. We're supposed to wait until our bodies kill our thyroids and then begin to take steroids under our endocrinologist's supervision.

    However, we can try alternative medicine by using herbs. It may slow down the disease or completely heal it or decreases symptoms. Here ise what i know;

    1) As far as i know, some studies claims the main reason of Hashimoto's is lack of Selenium. So we must be sure that we get enough selenium everyday. We don't have to take supplements for this. Brazilian nut is a great source of selenium. 100 gr of Brazilian nuts contains 1917 μg of Selenium, which is %3485 more of what we need ! So 2 pcs of nuts are enough a day.

    2) 10 min. before of each meal, you need to eat a pinch of fresh dills with some water.

    3) Drink fresh ginger juice, just 2-3 table spoon. 

    4) Galium Aparine (Cleavers) has been used to cure thyroid diseases for centuries. It also reduces and completely apoptoses all kind of goiters. Every night before sleeping drink Galium Aparine herbal tea and gargle with some of them.

    I wish recovery for all of us !

  • I have the D2 Air, commonly used by pilots.  Mine also drops in the night and I’d be interested to see how others are finding this new watch.  It could be that it’s off - plus some say a drop in oxygenation is likely for most people - just how far I hear everyone thinking.  I’m not a doc so I don’t know.  Regardless it’s got me thinking about yoga and breathwork so that’s probably not a bad thing.  Will keep an eye on this thread.  Maybe Garmin have a response.

  • Same problem here with D2 Air.  Not sure if it’s the watch or me or both.  Maybe Garmin will respond.  Upside is am doing more yoga and being considerate to breathing (wonder if they would have said that in the 1930s).  Hey ho... Garmin?

  • Also... Look into low dose naltrexone for auto immune thyroid disease to normalize immune function. Good luck.

  • Hi, I am new to Venu, have been using it for less than a month. I am having the same issue, my average SpO2 while sleeping is around 93%, but my lowest number is 83%. My daily average SpO2 is around 91-95%.

    I don't have snoring issue or any detected health issue. I have no idea whether these reading is accurate or not. 

  • Actually your daily average should not be less than 95% did you try to measure it using other watches/devices?

  • My daily average is also in the 91%-95% with this watch. I do have an old Note8 that does have a Pulse Ox sensor on its back and with it, I'm always between 96% and 100%. Just took a reading with both. My Venu says 94%, my Samsung Note8 says 97%

  • I tried to measure it using samsung health on my samsung S10+ just now. I showed 98% while my Garmin showed 94%. I dont know which one is more accurate. Anybody have tried to measure with other more reliable device?