Rally firmware for Vector 3 Pedals?

Since the Vector 3 is supposedly the same pedal as the Rally with a metal battery door, and the Vector 3 firmware isn’t being updated any longer, I was wondering if the Rally firmware supports the Vector 3, and if there could be a benefit to installing ithe latest Rally firmware im my Vector 3 pedals?   My Vectors work and I generally subscribe to the “if it isn’t broken . . .” philosophy.   This came about as I was considering replacing my Vectors, but they are still in good shape and don’t see a need to replace them at this point.

  • It looks like despite some article the two electronic solutions are different so it cannot be just update with another products firmware. Moreover: the left and right pedals cannot be paired if they are not the same (I mean you can pair the left Vector3 to the right Vector 3 and you cannot pair the vector3 to the rally.)