Amazing, I updated to 9.80 now and - no loss of time setting, no loss of activities.... it seems that Garmin is able to learn and improve the processes ...
Amazing, I updated to 9.80 now and - no loss of time setting, no loss of activities.... it seems that Garmin is able to learn and improve the processes ...
After update GPS connection gets lost all the least displayed speed gets to 0 with a beep...I want to downgrade to previous version. How can I get the download file? Thx
Yeah, my watch drained itself of battery overnight... Totally dead
Updated the software at just before I went to bed, then was up for a bathroom break at 4 and it was at 8 percent. When I woke up just…
Since 9.6 I've experienced the following: watch freezes when plugged in to USB (9.6). Terrible GPS signal on multiple runs (9.8), problems connecting to HRM-Run (9.7-9.8). The kick in the teeth is that I didn't have any issues with all the releases before that, so what exactly were they ''fixing'? Have they outsourced their programming or something?
Even though I have set the watch to GPS+Glonass and to record every second of an activity, it seems that it loses signal quite frequently during activities.. I have noticed it twice during open water swims last week, and during other activities as well, such as walking. As a result of that, I am getting wrong data, wrong distance covered, wrong pace, etc. Don’t know if this is a software version issue or something else
I have the same problem. Did you find any solution?
Still happening to me, but only occasionally (which is still unacceptable). Ran for 85mins yesterday and saw afterwards that there was basically no GPS record at all between the 15min and 25min points. GPS was spot-on at all other times (before and after). Never had any issues with the watch until s/w 9.6 and above.