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Edge 25 courses

Just trialled my edge 25 this weekend.

Courses seem to be a bit hit & miss. Creating routes on garmin connect is the only way I can get a route onto the edge25. Then you can view the map & details of the route. However when I try to follow the route the unit crashes & restarts.

I've tried putting gpx tracks & tcx into the root folder 'New Folder' similar method to 500/800 edge but this has no effect & route isn't loaded.

The only way it seems to work is to follow a route previously recorded on the device. That does seem to work well however not useful for new routes.

Anybody have a work around as without that functionality it's a deal breaker for me:(
  • Just trialled my edge 25 this weekend.

    Courses seem to be a bit hit & miss. Creating routes on garmin connect is the only way I can get a route onto the edge25. Then you can view the map & details of the route. However when I try to follow the route the unit crashes & restarts.

    I've tried putting gpx tracks & tcx into the root folder 'New Folder' similar method to 500/800 edge but this has no effect & route isn't loaded.

    The only way it seems to work is to follow a route previously recorded on the device. That does seem to work well however not useful for new routes.

    Anybody have a work around as without that functionality it's a deal breaker for me:(

    Just for the record I have exactly the same problem as the OP. I saved a Garmin Connect activity as a course and sent it to the device - for the next 24 hours I could follow the course just fine. Nothing has changed in the interim but now, a day later, the unit immediately crashes and reboots when trying to follow the exact same course - so it can't be related to the file format or the upload.

    My pet theory is that it knows I didn't complete the course the previous day and now can't handle going back to the beginning ;-)
  • Workaround for Edge 25 crashing when trying following a course

    I’m also quite new to the garmin community ... and working with courses and garmin devices are far from userfriendly :mad:
    After a really painfull transfer of courses to my edge 25 (hrm) the device always crashed, when I tried to start a ride (following one of those courses). Now I found out the following workaround: If I choose first the option to view the course and after do course it won't crash. If I start directly with do course the device make a reboot.
    Garmin, please fix the buggy sw, the hw is almost perfect!
  • Yes, the Edge25 is a joke on course import, I really don't understand what goes through the minds of the developers at Garmin. I've fortunately got a month to trial it, but basically this is enough of a pain, that unless Garmin release an update, I'll be sending it back, lifes too short to have to pfaff around with this nonsense.
  • Workaround - solved!

    If I choose first the option to view the course and after do course it won't crash. If I start directly with do course the device make a reboot.
    Garmin, please fix the buggy sw, the hw is almost perfect!

    So this solved the issues for me - no need to mess around with file format conversions:
    -send course from Garmin Connect to device
    -select the course on the device
    -select 'Map' which loads the course and displays the course outline
    -THEN select 'Do Course'

    Selecting 'Do Course' without loading the map first will cause the device to crash and restart. Annoying that I had to dig around on the forums to solve the issue. I hope Garmin pull their finger out and fix this fundamental bug, Edge 25 has been on the market for a while now!!
  • Another way

    None of the third party .gpx conversion tools worked for me, but I have a Garmin Edge Touring which I'm hoping to give to my wife while I move to the Edge 20. So the Touring can easily convert .gpx files to .fit, which I can then save to the 20. Stupid but works. Can't really figure why Garmin left out this capacity - I assume it's not an accident.
  • Reboot Edge 25

    Same problem for me... I tried the suggestion from MattOJones:
    -send course from Garmin Connect to device
    -select the course on the device
    -select 'Map' which loads the course and displays the course outline
    -THEN select 'Do Course'
    It worked for the first course I tried, while trying the second course, Edge25 reboots again... Extremely annoying...
    I made the courses myself using Garmin Connect. A short course around 17km worked fine, current courses are around 120km
    I send a email to Garmin support, this is a show-stopper for me...
  • I posted a workaround in another thread ( some time ago. This still works for me.
    I repost the workaround here and hope it helps some people. I hope Garmin fixes this sometime, because this is not really acceptable.

    When I send the course from garmin connect to the device, the edge 25 crashes when starting a course.
    When you manually download the course from garmin connect and copy it manually to the edge 25 NEWFILES folder, it works.

    You can use this URL to export your file manually:

    when you open a course (click on view details) in garmin connect you have this URL:

    change the url and the fit file will download:
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago

    I posted a workaround in another thread ( some time ago. This still works for me.
    I repost the workaround here and hope it helps some people. I hope Garmin fixes this sometime, because this is not really acceptable.

    When I send the course from garmin connect to the device, the edge 25 crashes when starting a course.
    When you manually download the course from garmin connect and copy it manually to the edge 25 NEWFILES folder, it works.

    You can use this URL to export your file manually:

    when you open a course (click on view details) in garmin connect you have this URL:

    change the url and the fit file will download:

    A big thanks, demaffias, excellent!
  • I did not have the issues with courses any more since update 3.30, so let's hope the workaround is not needed anymore :)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    Your post identified GE as adding Course points, there are no Course points in the manual download from GC. v3.30 must have fixed a crash on Course points problem. A 600km course with 55 Course points has loaded OK on a 25.