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Firmware 3.0

Former Member
Former Member
My device downloaded version 3.0 and wants me to install it. Considering how things have gone with past firmwares, I'm waiting. Anybody have any idea what's in it? Anyone upgraded already? Thanks!

edit-- found it!

Changes made from version 2.70 to 3.00:
* Added Varia bike lights support.
* Fixed some issues with personal records.
* Added GPS improvements.
* Fixed activity summary page occasionally showing the previous ride's data.
  • Classic

    Classic that the official sticky thread still shows "Firmware Version 2.50 Now Available!"

    WTH Garmin?
  • Anyone tried 3.0 already?

    Improvement on GPS should always be a good thing.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago

    I took the plunge. No problems so far.
  • I've also updated the device to 3.0.
    No problems found.
  • Segments

    Has this update solved the "did not cross any segments" issue?
  • 3.0 update failed

    I just got an Edge 25. When I sync, it downloads the 3.0 firmware update. When I disconnect, it tries to install the update, but I get the message "update failed". Every time I sync, it tries the update again.

    The about screen on my Gamin says:

    v 3.00
    Unit ID
    v 2.90

    Is there a way to make the update succeed, or at least a way to get it to stop trying?
  • It sounds like the update file on the Edge may be corrupt in some way.

    Make sure that Garmin Express us not running.

    Connect the Edge to the PC and will show as device or drive.

    Go to the Garmin folder on the Edge 25

    Delete the GUPDATE.GCD or GUPDATE.RGN file from that folder if it is there (Some models of Garmin use an rgn file while others will use a gcd file for general updates). This is the update file for the main operating system.

    Your unit is already at the latest release so the problem is with GPS update file. This is trying to take the GPS from V2.90 to V3.00.

    Remove any files from the GARMIN\NEWFILES folder
    Remove any files from the GARMIN\REMOTESW folder.

    Disconnect the Edge from the PC and let it start-up. If it starts up cleanly then you can try using Garmin Express again to perform the update.
  • device would frequently lose GPS signal and would not reconnect again

    It was running perfectly well during firmware v2.70. However, after updating mine to v3.0 when it was finally available for taiwanese sets, the update seemed to have bricked my edge 25.

    Initially, it would not acquire the GPS signal at all even after standing under clear sky for at least 5-10 minutes. Did multiple factory resets afterwards and I thought things improved when it finally acquired the GPS signal. However, it will lose the signal again shortly into the ride, reconnects intermittently at some points in the ride and then lose it again. Sometimes it will not reconnect at all and stayed dead. I had also tried leaving the GLONASS off or turned it on to see if it is the culprit, but apparently it made no difference at all, and the edge 25 still would not either lock onto a GPS signal for long or would not even acquire the GPS signal as well.

    Despite this, my edge 25 pairs with my magnet-less cadence sensor instantaneously and records my cadence perfectly well.

    Any idea on how I can roll my edge 25's firmware back to v2.70 when it was running perfectly fine previously? Or are there any other ways I can do to fix this other than sending the unit back for warranty claim?

    UPDATE (23 Jan 2016): Decided to try my luck and did a master reset again. This master reset worked like a charm. Now the device tracks my ride perfectly well and pairs with my sensors flawlessly. Although this time round, I did not connect to my PC to do any form of syncing instead (Used to do it all the time previously) and upload ride data by pairing with my phone. Will try connecting to Garmin Express next time to see if it is the cause of bricking my device previously.
  • V.3

    UPDATE (23 Jan 2016): Decided to try my luck and did a master reset again. This master reset worked like a charm. Now the device tracks my ride perfectly well and pairs with my sensors flawlessly. Although this time round, I did not connect to my PC to do any form of syncing instead (Used to do it all the time previously) and upload ride data by pairing with my phone. Will try connecting to Garmin Express next time to see if it is the cause of bricking my device previously.

    I'm having all sorts of issues since updating to V3. Typically, I lose GPS and speed seems to stick at abnormally slow speeds. How do I do a master reset?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    Backlight not working after updating to 3.0

    I updated my Edge 25 yesterday to the 3.0 software update. I noticed since then that my backlight isn't working.
    Has this happened to anyone else? If so, do you know how I can fix it?
