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Edge 130 battery life

I did my first ~3.5 hour ride with the Edge 130. I started with full battery and it was at 50% afterwards. Promised are 15h. Doesn't add up for me!

Are there any settings that could save battery consumption? I switched on GPS only. Anything else that would help?
  • Today after only 4 hours of use my GPS had no battery ... I made a request for support by garmin because before the update I easily made 10-11 hours without problem...

    I went from 60% of the battery to nothing in 15 minutes.

    I think my GPS is actually a problem.
  • Did someone get an answer from Garmin support with a "real" answer and if they take care about this problem ?
  • I have same issue. I think this problem causing by the running GPS on background if GPS is disabled in menu settings.
  • Just GPS, 10 second timeout on backlight, no sensors, bluetooth off, I got 9 hr 23 min until unit shut off on a just-purchased refurb unit.

    This cannot be right: refurbs should be basically new. And 5.6 hour is a lot of fatigue from a 15 hr spec.

    Support is telling me this isn't a problem. I used an Edge 500 from 2010 to 2018 and never had a battery fatigue problem, including on double centuries and brevets. Finally the USB port failed on me.
  • Garmin support is lying us. They have a several problem in Garmin edge 130, and resolving it!
  • Very poor battery life, from 40 % to 1% and shutting down in 50 minutes, very disapointed ??
  • I sent my device back for refund after 1 week. It last 4h with 2 sensors. Taking into account that there is no firmware update from some time I assume that there is some serious issue. I have better things to do then became beta tester for Garmin. Advise the same for you if you have possibility.
  • Very poor battery life, from 40 % to 1% and shutting down in 50 minutes, very disapointed ??

    Not all devices are affected, done 3H+2H ride this WE, 2 bars remaining. Varia radar+HR+Speed/Cadence sensors
  • Not all devices are affected, done 3H+2H ride this WE, 2 bars remaining. Varia radar+HR+Speed/Cadence sensors

    Cedric, what firmware version are you using?

    I've done one 4 - 5 hr ride yesterday and have 3 bars left.
    V3.0, GPS+Glonass, backlight low, timeout 10s, HR and BT (but phone has BT off during ride, sync after ride).

    For now I plan to stay with V3.0. Works fine, except the issue with the alitmeter/auto calibration.
    I placed a dummy GUPDATE.GCD and GUPDATE.TMP on the 130, in the Garmin map.
    This seems to stop the firmware update via GC for now.

  • FW 3.30, GPS Only,backlight low 10s, livetrack activated