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Garmin 1030 battery drain

Hi all. 
Bought a second hand garmin 1030, and unfortunately i encountered the same battery drain issue as many have had.

i read through all the fora, installed a beta software version. Left it in standby, turned it off, nothing helped. Battery drained overnight randomly.

Now why I am posting is because it seems I have found a workaround.

When left in standby, with an ongoing ‘paused’ activity, with my phone UNconnected, the problem did not occur anymore the last two weeks after daily usage. It is especially important the phone is  disconnected, every time I forget to do this the chances are great the drain occurs.

A pitty Garmin doesn’t solve this structurally.

Two annoying things still occurring:

1) sometimes wifi has switch on by itself

2) cadans/speed/smart trainer keeps on getting searched, even if the sensor is turned off. 

but both problems doesn’t seem to invoke the drain

  • Just a question out of curiosity:

    what kind of activity makes it necessary to pause the ongoing activity over night?

  • None with any functional purpose. I just start a dummy activity and then pause it just for the purpose of having an ongoing one. In the morning I delete it. Having the ongoing activity paused, in combination with disconnected phone  seems to do the trick 

    But this illustrates how redicously buggy garmins software is. This morning i encounter conincidentally a new bug, auto-lap reinstalled itself after having it turned of a few months ago. The software has real miraculous autonomous behaviour.

  • If the Edge is turned off and that means not put in standby mode, the battery drains? I have not encountered this behavior. I haven't been on my bike for three weeks and I just turned the 1030 on and it is showing a battery level of 89% which is about the level I always charge it to. I never charge it to 100%. Something else must be going on with your Edge.