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Forerunner 255 Series and 955 Series: Cannot edit heart rate zones percentages

Since I got my 955, I cannot edit the percentages of heart rate zones. It allow me to enter a value but never saved.

Same behavior from the watch, and from Garmin Connect mobile.

Anybody else with same behavior ?


  • sooo.. i've finally got 12.20, did a few trainings and have to say that seems everything works as it should work..

  • Here we go again.
    So, today i've faced this issue once again. But this is really weird, along with reset HR values my time format settings were reset too (from 24h format to 12h). And basically because of these time format settings I've decided to re-check how the HR values are going on. And Voila - they all were set to default again. WTF? This is really annoying. 
  • Same in my case, but without doing anything. And for the second time since my last post 5 days ago. All zone settings, default and sport specific have been reset without any acttion from my side. The scheme is similat for general as well as for sport zones: BPM is replaced by %HRMax and zones are set as basic percentage, i.e. 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90%of MaxHR, while MaxHR is taken from general settings (MAX, LT, Rest) depending on the type of activity (general or sport specific).

    The above have happened twice, with two days span. YES , IT'S ANNOYING

  • Version 12.20 is in beta and looks to address this issue among a few others. My guess is that it will be released very soon.

  • i have beta 12.2 and this problem dont resolved. Even if the zones don't collapse, the Training effect is measured from the default values.

  • Yeah, 12.20 still has this issue, it is less pronounced, but it still exists. This is a bug report for 12.20, pls raise the priority via ^ button

  • Oh Dang thats not good. I was just going to try it out today but it sounds like there are still some underlying issues. Guess I will continue to use the default General HR Zones for now.

  • Soo..they did issue 12.23 version, but nothing changed, the bug is still present and terribly annoying 

  • The bug wasn't resolved during beta-testing, and moreover, there wasn't ANY response from the support/dev team in that bug-thread whatsoever.

    could you, or anyone from your team, finally pay attention to this bug?

    Everything that was discussed in this thread is still valid, please check this finally out. 

    If you need any permissions to use my data for troubleshooting - take it, but fix this damn bug!

  • I also thought that this was resolved but appears it isn't.

    What seems to work:

    • My custom zones under the default profile are staying as I have set them. 
    • Some workouts conducted recently appear to be correct in Training Effect identification. For example I ran 5x4k at threshold intensity the other week (big workout) and scored a 5.0 for Aerobic and 2.0 for Anaerobic. 64% of the WO conducted in zone 4 and 18% in zone 5 or on the boundary between 4 and 5. 

    on the other hand:

    • Yesterday I ran an easy 21k 99% at the high end of zone ONE and received a score of 4.8 for Aerobic training effect. The details say "way to go! You spent a significant amount of time ABOVE your lactate threshold during this difficult activity.."
    • Garmin's explainer suggests this run should be a 2.0 - 3.0 for TE Training Effect Samples | Garmin Technology
    • today I noticed that Garmin had re-created a RUNNING profile with the default (incorrect HR zones). 
    • Interestingly for the activity referenced above, it showed the correct zone according to my settings both during the run and after, yet the training effect is completely wrong and must be going off something else (maybe the zones set in the running profile it decided to add)

    I suspect that the runs conducted before the watch re-created a running profile are correct, and those after are not. I have deleted the running profile as before... guess I just have to check before each run?! 

    This continues to be quite annoying and and impacts the recovery time/training readiness features to the point that they are not very helpful.