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Forerunner 255 Series and 955 Series: Cannot edit heart rate zones percentages

Since I got my 955, I cannot edit the percentages of heart rate zones. It allow me to enter a value but never saved.

Same behavior from the watch, and from Garmin Connect mobile.

Anybody else with same behavior ?


  • I’ve been dealing with this same issue as well. Today I was able to update my general heart rate zones based on %LTHR and it applied it to my running zones as well. I was not able to edit in the running zones menu itself which is no big deal since I mainly run. But when I went for a run, the heart rate zones from my run had nothing to do with the values I set, or even the values that were there before. My zone 5 was >98 bpm…

    hope there’s a fix soon because I love my watch! 955 Solar running software version 11.12 

  • I can confirm I'm having this issue as well. I was losing my mind because I use %LTHR to run with, but my zones were all out of whack and was saying all my runs were like Z4/Z5 when they are in fact not. Then of course I get to listen to my Training Effect tell my I'm overreaching and unproductive. :) Since this I knew this had to be some kind of a bug, I had spoke to support on the phone and was told that the watch just changes is for you automatically and they saw nothing wrong. I tried to disagree as my other watches did not have this behavior. I had sent in videos of me showing me not able to change my zones under the Sport Heart Rate on both the watch and Garmin Connect App. With that, I'm glad to have found this thread so I know Garmin is aware and its just not me. 

  • Hi. Same issue on FR255. I hoped that recent soft update would have had this solved, but nothing of this kind have hapenned. Maybe next, in a month or so ?...

  • I have the same problem. I've been trying all sorts of work-arounds; none have worked. Called customer support, and while the person I spoke with was very nice, her advice didn't help.

  • An additional question: will this bug in setting heart rate zones affect the calculation of VO2 max and lactate threshold? what about performance?

  • I dare not risk it tbh, I’ve gone back to using my old watch for this exact reason.

  • There are bugs that do not affect the functionality of the watch so much and can be used without any problem. But there are others, like this one, that cause a basic function to be unusable. It's like if you have a phone that you can use the Internet but you can't make calls. The bugs that are more critical for your daily use and the function they perform (it's a high-end sports watch), should be fixed in a week or two at most.

  • This is exactly what happened on mine. My HR Zones got adjusted and now i can't change them back. What usually were my Lactate Threshold Zones 2-3 are now Closer to Zones 4-5. Now Garmin thinks everything is my threshold and I'm getting no Aerobic Base Running anymore. So now according to my watch I'm unproductive and my VO2 Max has dropped 6 in the last 3 weeks.

  • Got this logged but not getting any help yet..

    “Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your email.

    I am afraid that have not yet heard from the engineering in the US.

    I have just asked for an update on this.

    If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know. Alternatively you can search for a solution here:

    Kind regards,


    Garmin Europe”

  • How is this not fixed yet??