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BUG: I cannot hide my formerly recorded tracks from the Forerunner 945 LTE map display (e.g. during navigation when following a planned route) [SW 5.07, SW 6.04]



When I use the map display (e.g. for navigating a formerly planned course), my problem is that all (well actually around 50% of my recorded walks and hikes, seemingly arbitrarily) the other tracks that I had recorded in the past are displayed on the map as red lines.

So I do not really see the map (with its streets, etc.) any more - all I see is red lines everywhere. This is quite horrible.

I cannot see a setting to hide them.

Obviously, when I have a planned route ("course") that I want to follow for navigation, I am not interested in seeing all the tracks that I had recorded weeks or months ago on my Forerunner's map display. I just want a clean view of the map - and of the navigation path on it.

I already tried out all sorts of settings in the hope that some would hide these tracks - but to no avail.

If anybody could help, that would be really great.

If it is a SW bug (which currently seems so to me), I hope there will be a fix very soon - because I bought a Garmin especially for navigation purposes (Garmin's key competence over its competitors, supposedly), and now exactly this navigation turns out to be useless for me.


PS: SW Version is the latest - 5.07. Update: SW 6.04 still has this bug!

Video at 2:52 min: Text correction: I meant to say "WALKING and hiking" seems to be the problem (not "running and hiking"). But meanwhile I saw that also running activities are in fact affected - some older running activities also showed up in the map today as such red lines, I think (not 100% sure though), with no way to hide them .

  • PS: This problem seems to affect about 50% of walking and hiking activities, and I could reproduce it likewise for cycling and cross country skate skiing activities, but I couldn't reproduce it for running activities - update/correction: it also affects running activities! I deleted all hiking/walking activities from my watch, then there were still red lines on my watch's map,and I saw that they stem from running activities. Seems that the percentage of running activities showing up as persistent red lines in the map is lower, but it happens, too. So probably ALL activities are affected!

    I figured out that I can delete each activity individually from my watch to remove it from the map display. Fortunately(!), this deletion will NOT be synched to the Garmin Connect account, i.e. in the Garming Connct App or in the Web brower my history of activities remains unaffected from their deletion on the watch device (not sure it the same also holds in the other direction by the way).

    Nevertheless, this is only a workaround - obviously I do not want to first save the activity, then synch it to the smartphone via BT, and THEN DELETE IT AGAIN from the watch. Instead, the map should refrain from displaying these activities on the map in the first place.

    For sure this is a bug and no intended behaviour: For one, it makes no sense. Secondly, not all activities are displayed like this on the map(if it were intended, it should be the same for all). Even from the same kind of activity, like walking or hiking, only about 50% of them are displayed as red lines on the map. As a trial, I walked around town and recorded ca. 12 activities for test purposes, each about 100-200 meters long, some of them being "walking", "hiking" or "running" activities, respectively. I did not change any settings on the watch, so all activities were using the same conditions / settings.

    It turned out that about 50% of the walking and hiking activities here visible as "red lines" on the map view afterwards, whereas none of the testwise running activities appeared on the map. But some older regular running activities do also appear persitently on all maps on the watch. So all activities seem to be affected in general.

  • "Track Log: Shows or hides the track log, or the path you have traveled, as a colored line on the map."

    Map settings -> Track Log. Disable that.

  • About Map settings -> Track Log (German: Einstellung Karte --> Trackaufzeichung: "ausblenden")

    I tried this setting already. But this setting only affects my CURRENT activity. If it is enabled, I see a red line "behind me" on the map from the current(!) activity. If disabled, I do not "draw a red thread" behind me on the map.

    I have disabled this already a week ago or so, but this setting is unrelated to the problem that I describe here.

    The problem that I describe here is that OLD tracks from some activities in the PAST are displayed on the map - and this happens independently from the "Map - > Tack Log" setting.

    And: Even if I do a new activity (walk or hike) while "Map->Track Log" setting is "disabled" such that I do not see a red trace behind me DURING this activity, later on when the activity is finished and I view the map, I see this activity again as a red line in the map. Well, with about 50% probability, as I said.

  • Do you have Garmin Explore installed on your phone?

  • Do you have Garmin Explore installed on your phone?

    No. And I never had. I don't even know what this is.

  • Never had this issue, but quick thought for you: if this is a 945lte specific bug,  you're in the wrong forum (945, older, no lte). The two models have similar names, but whose to say what code they run under the hood... There seems to be a dedicated 945lte forum.

  • Update as of 2023-04-15, SW version 14.52 of FR 945 LTE:

    It took some time, but meanwhile this bug has been fixed (already some versions before current SW version 14.52)