When I use the map display (e.g. for navigating a formerly planned course), my problem is that all (well actually around 50% of my recorded walks and hikes, seemingly arbitrarily) the other tracks that I had recorded in the past are displayed on the map as red lines.
So I do not really see the map (with its streets, etc.) any more - all I see is red lines everywhere. This is quite horrible.
I cannot see a setting to hide them.
Obviously, when I have a planned route ("course") that I want to follow for navigation, I am not interested in seeing all the tracks that I had recorded weeks or months ago on my Forerunner's map display. I just want a clean view of the map - and of the navigation path on it.
I already tried out all sorts of settings in the hope that some would hide these tracks - but to no avail.
If anybody could help, that would be really great.
If it is a SW bug (which currently seems so to me), I hope there will be a fix very soon - because I bought a Garmin especially for navigation purposes (Garmin's key competence over its competitors, supposedly), and now exactly this navigation turns out to be useless for me.
PS: SW Version is the latest - 5.07. Update: SW 6.04 still has this bug!
Video at 2:52 min: Text correction: I meant to say "WALKING and hiking" seems to be the problem (not "running and hiking"). But meanwhile I saw that also running activities are in fact affected - some older running activities also showed up in the map today as such red lines, I think (not 100% sure though), with no way to hide them .