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Forerunner battery lifespan suddenly reduced

Hello, a week ago my forerunner started to have battery issues. Battery lifespan doesn't go beyond 5h even without any workout ongoing/gps.

The device is 2 years old and it was automatically updated by GarminConnect when I uploaded my last training session.

I have tried:

* Normal reboot

* Hard reboot

* Reset to factory settings

* Connect it to Garmin Express

Any idea ? I've seen it's a common issue when devices reach 2 years. Garmin should take this into account.

  • Normal lifespan should be ~3.5 yrs or so, depending on use. However, it might depend if your watch was manufactured long before it was sold and daily use. My first one lasted about that, but the battery died suddenly when I seemingly shorted out the watch removing the charging clip while plugged in (but that may have been a coincidence).