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Fit file not supported

Hi all,

I am trying to upload my activity but it says fit file not supported. I have also tried but it keeps saying it is open in another application (which it isnt)

When I try to upload the file on here, I get this message: 

Only known URLs and the following file extensions are allowed: 123, aac, ai, aiff, art, asf, asx, avi, bmp, csd, db, dmg, doc, docx, drw, eml, flac, flv, gdb, gif, gz, ics, iq, jpeg, jpg, log, m4a, m4p, m4v, mdb, mdbx, mid, midi, mmv, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, msg, ogg, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, prg, ps, psd, qt, ram, rar, rm, rtf, sit, sitx, sql, tif, tiff, txt, vcf, vcs, wav, wma, wmv, wpd, wps, xls, xlsx, xml, zip. Please select a valid file or enter a valid URL.

It is a fit. file Is anyone able to help?


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