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Garmin or Fitbit

I’ve currently got a charge 3 debating upgrading to a charge 4 for Christmas or possibly a Garmin Venu?! Any advice please? 

  • I can't really answer your question, since I have never owned a fitbit. historically, fitbit users seemed to like fitbit's sleep tracking better and the social aspect of fitbit  might be nicer.  But I don't know if that's still the case since fitbit started putting stuff behind their subscription service.

    Anyway, I just came here to suggest htat since teh Venu SQ is kind of new you might not get a huge number of responses. You might do better to post this question on the Venu (just "venu" not sq) or Vivoactive 4 forums.

    For what it's worth, Garmin will bucket you in with random people who walk about the same for a weekly step challenge which I do find motivational, though I normally don't care too much about steps.  It also tracks activity minutes andwill probabaly have better GPS than the fitbit, if you want to track outdoor activities.


  • One thing you probably realize is that all these devices have their flaws. When you come to any forum like this one, it's usually the people who have issues that post here.

    I personally came from Polar more than 10 years ago and have been very happy with the Garmin devices I've owned over since. However, I'm also realistic in my expectations.

    For example, sleep tracking is a common issue. Floor counting is based on a barometric sensor which is generally pretty accurate but can be affected by a variety of elements. If you're prepared to live with the odd glitches Garmin makes excellent quality hardware. I imagine it's a similar scenario at Fitbit.

  • Bonjour,

    Je viens de passer à Garmin après plusieurs années chez Fitbit. 

    Il est vrai que l'application est mieux chez Fitbit, le suivi de sommeil aussi (sommeil profond bizarre, pas de sieste). Mais payant pour certaines choses.

    Covid oblige, je ne fais que des cours et des séances d'entraînement, donc Garmin est beaucoup mieux. Je suis vraiment ravie de ma Venu sq: relevés très fiables (sauf sommeil et spo2), entraînements, GPS , musique, et connexion adidas = pas de téléphone pour mon run). J'adore!

    Mais je m'interroge sur la reprise de la salle de sport où je ne pratique que les cours collectifs. Garmin ne reconnaît que des sports spécifiques. Avec Fitbit, je pouvais faire de la zumba, de l'aquabike, du step, du stretching, ... Que je ne pourrai plus reconnaître avec Garmin. 

    J'attends de voir mais je m'attends à repasser chez Fitbit pour le suivi fitness et non sportif type vélo ou ski ...

    Je pense que vous devez choisir en fonction de votre routine sportive (outdoor=Garmin et fitness=Fitbit) mais à voir. 

    Bon choix à vous !