Still problems on Vector 3

I sent back my Vector 3 due to “power sensor missing” problem. I get them back after battery case change and update firmware. First ride and again “right power sensor missing”. I’m very disappointed and frustrated. How can i fix my problem? Send them again back and? 

  •  I have found a solution to my dropouts and power sensor missing problems. When I was photographing the caps for a warranty claim, I noticed that the contact points were dark with an oily substance - see attached. I suspect that it was the baby oil that I have been advised to apply to the batteries and had spread across to these contact points.  I cleaned the contact points with a cotton ear bud and reinserted as normal.  I then found that my dropouts had stopped.  I cycled for a week without dropouts. Then the dropouts started again.  So I inspected the contact points again and they were black again.  I cleaned them and then tried to soak up any oil with in the pedal with the cotton bud.  Now everything has been perfect.  You may wish to offer this as a solution to any others with the problem.

  • I think this might be the source of my dropouts as well.  The focus has been on the battery contacts .. but these contact points on my Vectors were coated in black dust - both on the battery compartment and on the circuit board.  Cotton bud ended with a whole lot of black dust!  Hoping the cleanup will fix it, as it did on yours.  Thanks for pointing this one out.

  • Do you really think we as CUSTOMER should find solution for a serious DESIGN problem on an 1000 EUR pedal that was advertised as the most accurate power meter?

    In Hungary 1000 EUR is 133% of the average net monthly salary.

    Garmin should manage this problem centrally and force the country resellers to follow the warranty rules and stop doing tricks like "no, vector 3 has only 1 year warranty".

  • Totally agree! I bought mine in a trip to the US and the local dealer back in Colombia just dont want to service them at all, they say "go back to where you bought it, dont bother here..." I took the time and money sending my unit back to garmin US they replace them and here we are, less than a year later, with the exact sane problems: missing sensor and inconsistent measurements.

    I believe Garmin should address this problem seriously I am about to give up, it just dont feel right to burn USD 1K without asking for fairness