So an update to the RCT715 has dropped VER 4.8
Anyone from Garmin please elaborate:
- Update camera button behavior: a single press when camera is disabled will now save a clip/photo while retaining recording mode.
A manual camera recording option on compatible Edge devices was high on the list of wants when the RCT was launched ie the ability to start a video or capture an image at any time not just when the unit is recording. When the last update came around, it seemed that this type of update was included but turns out it was just for the mobile app so not so great for Edge users.
Is this update again only for the app?
Or does it apply to the physical button on the unit itself, which would be pretty pointless unless you carry the unit in your hand or reach down behind your seatpost to try press the button....
PS I tested the update and it does indeed start a video when you press the record button while the unit is "asleep"...but this is definitely not something I will be doing to get a video or picture....
Is there ANY chance of porting this type of update to Edge devices?
What about a recording indicator on the Edge device so you can easily tell if it is actually recording without opening the widget? eg small R inside the radar flashing icon top right