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Continuous vs Radar Only recording

Trying to understand the manual recording options....When set to continuous recording, the Edge Widget for the camera has the picture and video buttons active for manual Radar Only mode, they are not available BUT....if I am in Radar Only mode, the buttons sometimes appear then disappear and I cannot work out if this is a function of the Radar detecting cars and therefore already recording so buttons are not available or if camera is not recording and therefore manual buttons appear....?!?

The Widget should ALWAYS allow for manual recording of video and picture...independant of recording mode (radar only or continuous) you can record separately at any time.....this means if there's a single event you want to capture, it gets saved in the Locked folders and you don't have to scroll through the hundreds of short clips saved as the unit records either via continuous or radar only mode 

Oh and holding thumbs they will have a record status light on the device screen, just like the radar icon top right......maybe a flashing capital red "R" inside the radar icon when it's actually recording? 

  • iirc from my testing and trying to figure out how this works: In Radar Only mode the Save Video / Take Picture widget buttons will appear for 30 second POST the all-clear/green alert.... even though the RCT715 will record for 60 seconds after the same all-clear/green event. 

    Having something on the Edge screen similar to the radar icon to indicate the RCT715 is recording is one of the first things I raised when receiving the unit. I really hope to see that implemented too. 

  • Thanks for that, I saw your review....seems I'm not the only one confused....I'm not having any real issues with the unit (in fact its great and the recordings are well clear enough to make out details of plates and other stuff) .....maybe because I have been using the RTL515 and am familiar with the device but it seems it could be easier to use...just enable it to take pics and videos whenever you want and add that recording icon!

  • The only time I do not have access to the "take pic" or "save clip" on my head unit is when the BT connection is not working. My remedy has been to go into device connections and manually connect the light to my head unit. I might be solving a different problem than what you have, but I hope this helps.

  • Maybe you can clarify your remedy, not sure how to do 830 uses light network to connect the headlight and RCT715

    BTW Vers 4.70 is out and it does not appear to address this or have a recording indicator on the head unit...bleh...!