The Dilemma of Garmin's Luxury Smartwatches: Falling Behind in Tec

As a dedicated enthusiast of Garmin's smartwatch ecosystem, I find myself grappling with a perplexing observation, particularly concerning Garmin's luxury line of smartwatches, the Marq series. It appears that, despite being part of Garmin's premium offerings, the Marq line consistently lags a full generation behind in terms of hardware when compared to their Fenix or the latest Epix line of smartwatches.

One could speculate that Garmin has adopted a strategy of initially releasing cutting-edge technology in their mid to upper-range watches, allowing these advancements to eventually permeate to their luxury line. While this logic may make sense on the surface, the practical implications present a considerable challenge for consumers.

Once Garmin introduces new hardware in their primary line of watches, there is no going back. The problem lies in the significant delay between the debut of new hardware and its eventual integration into the more expensive luxury watches.

As an ardent watch lover who has embraced the 24/7 wearing practices of the Garmin ecosystem, I often find myself yearning for a more premium-looking product. The Aviator or the Garmin Athlete watches catch my eye, exuding sophistication and style. However, the hesitation to invest in these watches stems from the fact that they are seemingly outdated right from the start.

This dilemma became painfully evident in my experience in 2021 when I contemplated purchasing a luxury Garmin watch. I opted for the Aviator, only to return it within a few weeks. The reason was simple – the Fenix Six, available at a similar time, boasted superior hardware and more advanced capabilities. Despite the allure of luxury, the practical desire for a future-proof(ish) device prevailed.

The irony lies in the expectation that a premium luxury watch should be inherently leading with hardware. Unfortunately, Garmin's release strategy seems to undermine this expectation, leaving consumers like me feeling frustrated and torn between the desire for opulence and the practical need for the latest technology.

In the ever-evolving landscape of smartwatches, Garmin may need to reconsider its release strategy to ensure that its luxury offerings align more closely with the cutting-edge technology showcased in its other product lines. Until then, enthusiasts like me will continue to navigate the delicate balance between style and substance, hoping that the gap between technology releases narrows to provide a more seamless and satisfying experience for luxury smartwatch enthusiasts.


  • Yeah, I went to the Garmin store here in Miami Beach yesterday.  I tried that watch on and I agree, its so NICE!  I bought the current Epix Pro in July, so no going back now, LOL.  But, when they update the Marq line next, I am def. getting one!

  • I've had a bunch of Garmin's and currently have 2 Marq 2's - Captain and Explorer.  Sure, some of the newer models have more tech features, but they are features I'd pretty much never use.  I always carry a flashlight so I don't miss that.  I don't wear a watch to bed, don't need the skin sensor or really most of the other stuff.  I've always been a watch guy and owned lots of mechanical watches.  I really got the Marq's purely for the premium aesthetic of them.  I love the look of them over my Epix.  I'm not sure what leap in tech on a new non-Marq would make me truly upset to not have it.  There is only so much jewelry a guy can wear and if I'm not wearing my Breitling's, Omega, Rolex, etc as much I'd like to replace them with something on the premium side of the smart watch category.  

  • 100%  I agree.  You have a great point about thinking about the tech that is the current line of watches (newer) vs the Marq and really asking "does it make a difference to me".  For example, I have now realized that the HR sensor is a wash for me.. LOL.  I use the Polar H10 strap anyway for everything.  and I am sure the last gen HR sensor is plenty good enough for daily use.

    I tried on the Marq 2 Athlete (non carbon) and wow.  That one I LOVE.  So, if I had a time machine, I would go back 6 months to when I bought the Epix Pro 2 and gotten that one.  But, now its too late.  So, I will wait for the next round of Marq updates and get it then and then sell off my Epix at that time (if its worth anything).

  • Thanks for summarizing it so well. This exactly what I feel. In fact I found this post while looking for any news or rumors about the marq series getting updated with the Epix pro tech. But no news of course

  • Well summarized. This is exactly how I feel. In fact I found this post when I was looking for information if Marq was coming with an update soon that would bring it in par with the epix pro series. But of course no news. Very annoying for a premium purchase not to get the latest tech, so no thanks Garmin