Inaccurate temperature in watchface

Hi everyone, anybody found the temperature in watchface inaccurate in the latest fw ? I found it accurate in temperature widget but inaccurate in watchface. Odd :(.

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  • There are two different temperatures - the temp of the internal sensor (measuring the temp on your wrist), and the weather temp (showing data from a remote weather station near your location).

    Which one is innacurate? Or do you compare the two? Each of them measures something completely different, so they won't show the same value.

  • The temp on weather app and watchface are the same and the one on temp widget is different. I don't think the weather app takes temp data from weather station cause it keeps blinking every several secs to update the temp even the watch is not connected to my phone. So all the temp data is from the sensor but the values show different on different widgets ?? I took my watch off when measuring the temp :((

  • So i guess the watch took data like humidity, wind ... only from my phone but temp ? 

  • The first photo shows the temp as measured by the internal sensor. The second and the third photos show the temp from the weather station.

    BTW, the 30% is not the air humidity, it is the probability of precipitations

  • If so it's so awkward, the NOW temp should be from the internal sensor cause it always tries to update itself every several secs and what we see on the watchface is the one from my phone updated several hours or even several days ago if i don't often connect the watch to my phone :(.

  • the NOW temp should be from the internal sensor

    The temperature of the inner sensor is more or less useless, since it does not show the ambient temperature - it shows the temperature on your wrist, which is typically many degrees higher than the ambient temperature. The only situation, where it measures the ambient temperature relatively well, is when you swim - thanks to the high termal conductivity of water, the influence of the body temperature is then limited.

    If you do not want to have the weather temp on the watchface, replace it with another field instead. You can alway check the sensor temp by looking at the widget.

  • Thank you for your reply. I thought it was real time data since it has NOW word and built-in sensor. So it's useless for me.

  • I thought it was real time data since it has NOW word and built-in sensor.

    How exactly did you imagine the watch could measure the ambient temperture, when it is on your wrist, and been warmed by your body? Well, it can, but you have to let the watch away from your body, and from any other heat soources.

  • "The temperature of the inner sensor is ... useless since it ... shows the temperature on your wrist, which is ... higher than the ambient temperature" - exactly! I mean - why would anyone design it like this? Who needs some ridiculous number that is half way between your body  temperature and outside air temperature?! If I put a $1 termometer on my wrist it will be still showing normal air temperature, but $300 Garmin watch can't do that ...

  • If I put a $1 termometer on my wrist it will be still showing normal air temperature

    Try it. It won't. It will measure the temperature there where it is. Only IR cameras can measure the temperature of remote objects, but there is a bunch of other problems associated with it, and it wouldn't measure the temperature of the ambient air anyway - it will alway just measure the IR radiation of certain object.

    Ordinary thermometers always measure the temp there where they are. So if you put one on the wrist, it will measure the temperature there. And if you cover it with a sleeve, the influence of the body heat will be even bigger. There is no way to design a thermometer on a watch that would measure the ambient temperature, without the use of a remote sensor.