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Software 18.10 and elevation how is it for everyone else?

Updated to 18.10 then factory reset the watch and removed the bluetooth pairing profile (from my smartphone's settings & garmin connect device).  

Then set the instinct solar up as new device and calibrated the elevation at a known location using DEMS and have found it to maintain consistent & accurate elevations so far.  Even with driving where I change 400 ft of elevation within a few minutes. Battery performance has also been stable. The only thing I find off is sleep tracking but my pulse ox feature while sleeping is disabled which may have an affect (IDK).

Is everyone else having a similar positive experience?

  • Hi! I also did the 18.10 update and after solving some problem of high batery consumption (through a Soft Reset), after 2 activities, everything seems to work fine even the altimeter (in Automatic); the altimetry values seem logical and normal for the type of route I've done. Let's see in the future activities.

  • Updated to version 18.10, tested on running activity on a path with expected 40 d+ but recorderd by my garmin instinct as 140 d+. For sure improved from 17.50v but still far from optimal. 

  • Strength training is now missing under Gym. Also ECG does not work on beta. Other than that seems to be ok.

  • Strength training is now missing under Gym. Also ECG does not work on beta. Other than that seems to be ok

    This thread was regarding the Instinct Solar watch, which does not support ECG.