Moving compass needle in Navigation data screens


I'm configuring my ne Instinct Solar at the moment. And I was about to customize the data screens of the navigation widget.

I've customized 2 data screens for it.

- 1 with rem. distance and ETA / ETE info (GPS oriented)

- 1 with daytime, sunset and timer info (time orriented)

But I would like to keep track on my navigation, even when I'm in another screen.

While on the map screen, there's this moving compass needle which points into the navigation direction in the circle. I would like to put the same function into the sircle of the custom screens (haert rate was arriginally there). But I can't seem to achief this.

I was looking into the navigation and compass section of this specific field (field 1, cirlcle). But non of these options give the same results as the compass needle in the map screen. I've tried "course" and "bearing" etc. Even all the compass options. But they all give me a static small arrow with some numeric values.

Is there a way to get the moving compass needle here? So you can still navigate (less detailed) when in another data screen.