Syncing workout to iPhone

I've been using my Instinct 2 for a little over 6 months now and have to say that it meets and in some cases exceeds my expectations.  The only gripe I have is syncing my workouts with my iphone.  It consistently takes two attempts to successfully sync.  The first attempt will spin for a few minutes and then fail.  If I try again it spins for a few minutes and then succeeds.  I was just curious if anyone has any tips for this.  It's an inconvenience but not a show stopper.  The watch is running Software Version 15.08 and not showing any pending updates and the iPhone is running iOS 17.5.1 with version 5.3 of Garmin Connect on the iPhone with no pending updates.  Again, love the watch, just curious if there's something I should be doing that I'm not for a better syncing experience.  Thanks in advance.

Top Replies

  • Hello

    I am sorry to hear you are having this issue. For this, I would recommend trying the following steps: 

    • Be sure the phone OS is on the latest version. 
    • Be sure the Connect app is up to date…

All Replies

  • Hello

    I am sorry to hear you are having this issue. For this, I would recommend trying the following steps: 

    • Be sure the phone OS is on the latest version. 
    • Be sure the Connect app is up to date as well. 
    • Ensure the watch is on the latest software version 16.10, using Garmin Express

    If this is still occurring, I would recommend removing the existing stored files from the watch: 

    1. Connect the watch to a Windows computer
    2. Open the watch drive
    3. Open the Garmin folder
    4. Delete the contents of the following files: Activities, Courses, Workouts, Locations, Remotes SW, and New Files
    5. Disconnect the watch from the computer
    6. Complete a hard reset by holding the watch until the watch shuts off, as opposed to selecting power off. Then power this on again. 

    Then try the sync again. 

  • Thanks very much.  The iPhone is running the current versions of iOS and the Garmin Connect app.  When I checked for device updates using Garmin Connect on my iPhone it reported the watch software version at 15.08 and no pending updates.  I just used Garmin Express to update the watch and it now shows it's running versioin 16.10.  I'll try this and report back.  Thanks for the help.

  • Just to update.  Problem is still happening.  I can sync with a cable and Garmin Express every time.  But using Garmin Connect and a wireless sync it will spin and fail.  Sometimes it spins for a few minutes and stop but on one or two occasions it just kept spinning. If I try again it will go through.  Here's the latest specs

    iPhone 14 Max Pro
    iOS 17.6.1
    Garmin Connect
    Instinct 2 Software 16.11

    When I used Garmin Express to perform the last update is said that the watch was full and it would have to remove some files.  I checked the USB mount and it had a little under 5 MB free.  I let Garmin Express manage the files and remove what it wanted and I also deleted all activities using these instructions.  I also did a hard restart by holding the CTRL button until the watch turned off.  The last thing I tried was to remove the watch from Garmin Connect and from bluetooth devices on the iPhone and add it back through Garmin Connect.  Do I need to do a full watch reset?