I've noticed two bugs that happen whenever i use the hunt activity. These may be present in other acitivites as well:
1. Navigation stops working after 'Resuming later'
If i have an active hunt activity, and then choose 'Resume Later', i can't use navigation features for the rest of the activity after it has been resumed. I get the error "GPS is off. Turn on GPS in the acitivty settings, or choose another activity". If i stop and start a new activity, it works. Positionining works like it should, it's just the navigation, either from the watch or when started from Explore app.
2: Can't stop and save activity if map is the current data-screen.
When pressing 'End hunt' / stop, and the map is the active data screen, it does not stop the activity. Instead "Loading map..." is displayed, and the "Around me" function is displayed instead of stopping the acitivty. This happens every time, and i need to go to another data screen to stop the activity.
I recently got a new watch on warranty, and this problems persists.
This is happening on a Fenix 7X Solar Sapphire on version 19.41-beta, but has been around for a long time.