Watch recording a nap whilst simultaneously recording an overnight sleep

My Fenix 7s Solar Sapphire appears to having issues with it’s nap and sleep features. On multiple occasions now it has recorded a “nap” overnight whilst simultaneously recording the overnight sleep. It is messing up the training status/readiness etc. I don’t know how to fix it.

For example, last nights sleep was from 2249 hours until 0736 hours. The watch also recorded a nap from 2236 hours until 0031 hours. I don’t understand how it can record a nap and the full sleep during the same period? Due to this my sleep score is poor because it was “impacted by a long and late nap period”

 Any one else have this issue or any idea on how to resolve it?

  • Which firmware your F7sSS is running on? There are some reports of issues which sleep tracking in general with the latest firmware versions.

    What you always could try is to hard restart (w/o resetting data, don't worry) by continuously pressing the light button (first the "wheel" is shown, then the help sign - keep holding) until the device is shut of and then switch it on again. This helps sometimes if something is hanging with the software.

    Never saw this behavior - but then: mine is still on 15.77 for several reasons. 

    Oh, and did you set your sleep time more or less correctly (e.g. 2200-0800)? If for instance no sleep time is set at all this has caused problems with sleep tracking before sometimes.