Just got the invite to install the latest patch. Lets see how this is doing. Did a hard restart as always but will only charge it to full tomorrow as it's late now. Share your experience here.
Just got the invite to install the latest patch. Lets see how this is doing. Did a hard restart as always but will only charge it to full tomorrow as it's late now. Share your experience here.
Please fully charge your watch and full drain your watch and double check your settings before reaching the conclusion of fast battery drain. Thank you. We appreciate it.
Troubleshooting Steps That Can…
The company needs a top down reform when it comes to their software game. Apple may not be there just yet in regards to a Garmin replacement, but they are now on the radar.
I am rooting for Garmin, but…
While I wouldn't know what Bennifr replied to you I have an idea in which direction the reply went allthough it was probably not acceptable put and thus deleted.
I' m not sure whether
Chris said to drain the watch fully after charging it fully. Question is: how do I do that? I mean, I'm still not happy with the drain, but it's not so fast that can just wait for it to run empty. It's a sports watch, and I can't use it for sports when I only have a bit of juice left in it. Enough juice to let it run in smartwatch move for another 1-2 days, but not enough to do another workout. In case someone says music: I don't stream music out of principle. I don't have any associated accounts, thus not an option. I also have a job thus can't activate the light for hours either. so how do you drain a sports watch that you want to use for sports?
It will depend on how heavily you use your watch. Use it and go as low as you can but without interfering with your ability to use it when needed. That may mean going to 10% vs. 0%.
Is this problem will be solved soon in a future patch and if yes, when ?
Is this problem will be solved soon in a future patch and if yes, when ?
For the vast majority of us who are not experiencing "this problem," it is already "solved."
While I wouldn't know what Bennifr replied to you I have an idea in which direction the reply went allthough it was probably not acceptable put and thus deleted.
I' m not sure whether
For the vast majority of us who are not experiencing "this problem," it is already "solved."
is a correct statement for 1. you wouldn't know and 2. It doesn't help the TO or all the others here who feel they have in fact a problem. And by no means I think it's appropriate to state this in an ironic way. As part of experiences with customers I dare say that only a very small percentage of customers in fact take the trouble to post about their problems or to even open a ticket if they can live with it in one way or the other. Which doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist to them.
With my T7 I have an akku life of 13 days (0,33%/hour) which is way off from the advertised period with less than one hour GPS average per day, no music, no sync and thus no STRAVA. But on the other hand I have heavily refreshing CIQ Faces and Apps with a lot of data and SPOx on all the time. Still it's way off compared to advertising. However I decided to live with it since it was like that from the beginning with 7.XX and apart from advertising it works for me. This said: I do fully understand when customers don't find that acceptable to have exact the same battery life like I do. Also: What about F7S or F7 w/o X users? with the smaller battery and thus an even shorter akku life for exact the same usage profile I wouldn't be a happy camper for sure and would by no means accept the problem as "already solved" b/o for an 7S it would mean way less than a week...
All those customers shelled out a lot of money and thus are somewhat entitled to a demanding attitude.
Soi no need to comment those problems in an ironic way and to speak for a vast majority one wouldn't know personally.
@bennifr: and wondrously your comment is online again. And right you are. No reason to delete it in first place, which I wouldn't know when I wrote my comment. However I wanted to express that it is valid not to consider the problem as already solved thinking that would be your point and rightely so.
Back to the facts: what I observe with my T7 is that reported akku consumtion is not linear. Whenn akku is 100% - 80% it repords like 0,22% per hour and ten it's draining faster and faster 'till the end up to 0,35% / hour when reporting 10% or less with exactely the same usage profile. I could live with it since it is a T7/F7X with abundant akku capacity out of the box but with a F7 or even worse a F7S my 13 days would shrink to a non acceptable akku life time probably under a week. This said: so far I was one of those who didn't complain, but I'm far away to considering the problem as resolved esp. for non X-customers.
Gaijin, do you really think your answer helps anybody?
As a matter of fact, yes.
When diagnosing any problem, if an existence proof can be provided for an example with no problem, then one can more easily focus on what the differences are between the "no problem" example and the "problem" example.
I was providing that problem-free existence proof.
Instead of curiosity about what may be different about my watch - possibly helping others troubleshoot their problem - I am met with a lot of indignation and challenge about how dare I disrespect those reporting problems.
Well, lesson learned. I'll just sit back and enjoy observing all the non-productive crosstalk.