Just got the invite to install the latest patch. Lets see how this is doing. Did a hard restart as always but will only charge it to full tomorrow as it's late now. Share your experience here.
Just got the invite to install the latest patch. Lets see how this is doing. Did a hard restart as always but will only charge it to full tomorrow as it's late now. Share your experience here.
Please fully charge your watch and full drain your watch and double check your settings before reaching the conclusion of fast battery drain. Thank you. We appreciate it.
Troubleshooting Steps That Can…
The company needs a top down reform when it comes to their software game. Apple may not be there just yet in regards to a Garmin replacement, but they are now on the radar.
I am rooting for Garmin, but…
While I wouldn't know what Bennifr replied to you I have an idea in which direction the reply went allthough it was probably not acceptable put and thus deleted.
I' m not sure whether
Seems to be different for everyone. I have no idea what Garmin did ( apart from changes to the sleep widget so that you get the sleep info again instead of activating sleep mode when pressing the button, which crept in with 9.36) but it seems my battery use during activity is DOWN, but at the same time is UP in smartwatch mode outside of battery saver at night. Lost 4% in 3 hours after charging yesterday evening. Lets see how today continues.
Hello Garmin - Chris,
Is there a way to skip FW updates? My battery is good, and I don't have such issue and I don't want this release i.e. But I have slow reactions on Hike activity. The compass reacts very slow till start showing the direction. It is frozen and after 10-20sec. start to show the direction. The auto resume from pause was not working correctly and the timer on main screen stays in pause till I stop the activity manually and start back.
What about this issue? :)
Use the search function at the top of the forum to find an existing article for your other concerns that are not related to the Fast Battery Drain that this thread is regarding. Thank you.
Is there a way to skip FW updates?
On your watch, go to your System > Software Update menu to turn off your Auto Updates. Keep in mind if you turn off automatic updates, if you use Garmin Express on your computer it will still push to your watch.
Yea, I updated 3 days ago and charged to 100% that night which normally gives me about 18 days on my fenix 7 Saphire Solar. Yesterday (after 2 days) my battery said I have 14 days remaining meaning which means I went through 4 days of battery life in just 2 days. I always turn off my watch at night so theres clearly an issue with the battery still. Normally it's very accurate with the day counts with a 30-60minute workout everyday. I'm not impressed with this new rollout.
Yesterday (after 2 days) my battery said I have 14 days remaining meaning which means I went through 4 days of battery life in just 2 days. I always turn off my watch at night so theres clearly an issue with the battery still.
Leave the watch on at night. Why :
1) The boot process itself consumes a lot of battery.
2) The remaining days display is based on a forecast. This is messed up by the constant off and on.
Just did a test drive of 9.37 with a disappointing result (at this point not a suprise at all). My battery drain issue is 100% caused by Strava Segments, because as soon as I disable them, everything goes back to normal again. When they're enabled, Garmin Connect syncs with the watch every 10 seconds, and this way drains several percent of battery every hour, draining the watch completely in a day or two.
So with 9.37, there is absolutely no improvement at all. 9.33, 9.36, 9.37, it's all the same. Strava Segments enabled, syncs every 10 seconds, drains battery. Segments disabled, it's okay.
So if anyone's drain is caused by Strava Segments, and is resolved by disabling Segments, don't expect 9.37 to help in any way. Just keep Strava Segments disabled and wait for another month or two or 12, hoping they maybe get it fixed eventually. :-(
The company needs a top down reform when it comes to their software game. Apple may not be there just yet in regards to a Garmin replacement, but they are now on the radar.
I am rooting for Garmin, but yea something needs to change over there.
I wonder how many days does your watch say after you charge it to 100%? I only get 21 days with same settings as they used to be before upgrading to 9.33. Before it was 28days with out of the box fw, which number I don't remember. I don't use strava stuff, so that might be why I don't get that fast drain on my watch, but still I only get about 2 weeks runtime.