Glitchy Gesture Activation

I’m having some issues with activation of the screen in gesture mode.

 Intermittently, particularly when it’s been a while since I last looked at the watch, when I turn my wrist to activate the watch, it will only activate extremely briefly- a flicker really. Even pressing buttons or tapping the screen has the same effect. It can be difficult to activate the watch when this happens- usually takes a number of attempts before the screen comes on and stays on. At other times it works as I would expect.

 I’ve updated the firmware, restarted, and then reset to factory settings all to no avail. I wonder if this is a hardware fault with gesture detection.

Has anyone else had similar issues?


  • I don’t think it’s a battery issue. Charged mine to 100% and it’s still doing it. If I turn the touchscreen off wait a sec then back on it fixes it untill it decides to do it again. Either later in the day or the next day. Ready to throw this thing off a building. 

  • With firmware 8.13, the problem is still present. I suspect it is a hardware defect

  • I wasn't able to get Wrist Gesture to function today, while it had been working fine.  I went into Settings - System - Display - General Use and Wrist gesture was greyed out and unselectable by either touch or clicking START, as were alerts and "Always On Display".  I don't know how, but by pressing and holding LIGHT to get to the Controls display, then touching the watchface with a slash through it restored the desired behavior.  Its certainly possible that I did something, as operation of the EPIX is a bit different than the VENU 2 I was accustomed to, but I certainly don't remember consciously enabling/disabling whatever that watchface with a stroke through it does.   Something easy to check for others struggling with curious wrist gesture behavior.

  • The behavior you described means if you long hold your top left button, you have your display turned off in the menu. Toggle your display back on. When you go back to your System > Display > General Use and During Activity settings, they will not be grayed out anymore.

  • *That* would make perfect sense - being a new EPIX user, I'm pretty sure I tried that at least once in a failed attempt to do ... something.   I thought pressing and holding the top left button gave me the CONTROLS display, though.  I'll RTFM some more.  :-)

  • has this problem been solved yet? my watch with software 8.13 is getting worse.

  • Garmin = crickets on this issue.  It’s been over 2 months for me of having this problem multiple times a day, every day.  This affects a core capability of the watch, and it’s the primary mode that it was designed to be in.  I’m completely fed up at this point.  Over the past 2 months, I’m sure Garmin has sold tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of these watches to wholesalers.  However, they can’t manage to redirect some of those watches to provide replacements to those affected by this issue?  Or reimburse me to buy the replacement myself?  We instead have to wait until they have appropriate inventory to be willing to send a replacement, i.e. they are not willing to divert sales from wholesalers to actually take care of customers.

    This is my 4th Garmin watch in about 8 years.  I loved the previous 3, and never had a problem.  But now I am experiencing Garmin service — and more specifically, I’m experiencing Garmin’s overall lack of desire to do the right thing for their customers.

    This will be my last Garmin watch.  If you’re in the market for this thing, I would suggest holding off until Garmin acknowledges what is going on, and has a remedy in place.  It’s not worth the risk of flushing $900+ down the toilet.

  • Honestly, you sound like a spoiled kid. A lot of those posting here do.  

    Return your watch like I did, go back to using one of your other 4 watches (wtf buys a $900 watch every other year?) and wait for the engineers to sort this out. Alternatively, hang on to it and wait for the patch, or instructions to warranty return like you’ve likely been instructed to. Given the unforeseen glitch the response from Garmin has been within reason. Get a grip, man. If your rant here was simply to vent then good luck with your relief. 

    In case you haven’t heard from anyone, here’s the response I received, which seems reasonable. 

    “Thank you! Regarding your exchange question, engineering is working on confirming the exact cause of the issue. If engineering determines the issue is hardware, now that you have been added to the tracking case, it will result in our team reaching out to you to advise if you should warranty replace your watch or if a software issue, advise you to update your software to resolve the issue.

    If you should need to exchange your Epix 2, if you are beyond the return period for vendor MEC, we have a warehouse in Toronto and we will exchange you through our warehouse. If you choose to return back to MEC to get another one before we reach out to you, please send me a PM to let me know if your issue is fully resolved. I really appreciate it. Thank you!”

  • Forgive me for expecting a 1k watch to be problem free. I can’t go back to my “other watches” as I sold them to be able to afford this Epix. *** happens I get it. But to be told to sit and wait instead of exchanging it out is unacceptable. I know they are back ordered and the supply chain sucks. But seeing people receive there new Epix while you are waiting for yours to be fixed is unacceptable. This is an amazing watch when it works as designed. 

  • A spoiled kid? For the record, I’m a 48yr old man that works 80+hr weeks to support a family.  On the rare occasions where I can actually spend money on myself, I expect the given product to work.  And when it doesn’t, I expect the company to do the right thing.  Call me crazy.

    This is my 4th Garmin as I have given 2 of my prior 935s/945s (not $900 watches) to family members to help them get into fitness, and I had to ditch another after it became a casualty to breaking-up an encounter between my dog and a skunk (skunk oil permeates everything).  I don’t have another Garmin/fitness watch as my fall back…all I have that is mine is the Epix.  So, yeah, quite the classy ‘wtf’ comment.

    I’ve already tried to return the watch, but the retailer won’t take it back because Garmin hasn’t acknowledged it as problem…and their “no questions asked” return policy is predicated on the packaging still being intact (unopened).  FWIW, it is a well known Garmin retailer in the US.  Chris from Garmin was quick in responding — I don’t fault folks like him because he is stuck following Garmin rules which includes only providing such replacements when they have adequate inventory in a warehouse at their NA HQ in Kansas. They asked if I would be willing to give them my watch so that they had a hands-on unit with the defect…I said ‘yes’ if they could just reimburse me for a new retail purchase…they declined, and told me I would have to wait for replacement which they thought would be in March.  It’s now mid-April, and nothing has changed…the warranty return process still hasn’t been initiated by Garmin. By comparison, I had a problem with a $900 Samsung phone purchase a year ago (defective unit), and had a new phone from Samsung within days despite the phone being backordered with most retailers.  I don’t think it’s too much to ask Garmin to replace a defective unit (only a handful of us have this problem) in a more timely manner than several months when they have the units to do so if they weren’t so dead set on prioritizing wholesale orders over warranty replacements.

    And lastly, my reason for posting is to let other potential buyers know the issue is out there, and how Garmin has responded.  They can then make their own choice from there.  Way further back in this thread, I posted videos of the issue. I purposely made those private (they won’t appear in search results, and you need the link to view them) rather than public videos on YouTube because I didn’t want them interpreted or used to blast Garmin.  They are still private today.  I’m still keeping my comments to this board.