Safety stop when DECO?

Diving whit MK2i (v.8.40), when a dive becomes a DECO dive, once I've finished the DECO stop, safety stop is not required...

Last dive I tried just for check, at 21m I had 2 DECO mins at 3m. Ascending slowly, those 2 min disappeared before reaching 5m (safety stop deep), so when I reached 5m the watch didn't ask me to wait there for 3 min. If this is recommended in no-DECO dives,  should be much more when is a DECO one.

Any one knows about it? I asume that is a software error...

  • With regars to the differences between a planned de o dive (runtimes, stops, gas planning), I holly agree with nradov. IANTD does not have you "add" a safety stop to your dive plan. You finish your deco obligation, then ascend. 

    No deco courses I'm aware of, OC or CCR, teach adding safety stops tonthe end of a planned deco dive. 

    That said, for those who accidentally stray into deco while recreational diving using a Garmin Mk2i, can set your computer to have you first eliminate your deco obligation and then receive a safety stop prompt when you reach 5m. For example, if you go into deco while at 35m (3m) you've probably observed that while making a gradual ascent, like 1.5m/ minute, that by the time you reach 10m, it's likely your deco obligation will have been completed. Thereafter, when you reach 6m, you'll see the 5m safety stop prompt which begins the 3 minute countdown while hold depth at 5m. After 3 minutes, computer notifies you that you've completed your set safety stop.

    Under dive settings, set Safety Stop to 3 minutes, then set Last Deco Stop to 3m. 

    The above is not advice is not a substitute for deco training. Diving beyond ones training can lead to injury or death. That said, the Mk2i functions exactly as intended by the diver's settings and training.


  • Come on buddy. Getting into unplanned deco not something that just "happens" to divers who plan their dives correctly and pay attention to depth and time. Let's stop making excuses for poor skills and not expect a dive computer to rescue us from easily preventable mistakes.

  • Come on, let us count serious tech divers using Descent and then recreational divers using descent for running, general health and occasional diving. With the descent mk2 (bought second hand for 600eur) I am happy to be able to switch gasses, etc, but I am sure the majority of users are rich(er) recreational divers, not even aware what the gradient factors are. That’s why with clearly “non intentional” deco, safety stops wouldn’t hurt. 
    Dive safe! D. 

  • I did 24 dives in the last 9 days during a liveaboard and it happened to me as well, but the deco obligations disappeared while slowly ascending. At the end the watch asked for the 3 mins safety stop as for any other dive.

  • Agree and I would add that in French Federation, we are teaching to add safety stops as an option. The deco are not planned the same way as in TDI courses. Different methods are existing over the world with thousands of proven dives every year, and it is presomptuous to say there are "correct" and "incorrect" ones. Tiredness, cold, effort, stress, dive profile, etc are external factors influencing the deco. I don't think it is showing poor skills to adapt the deco to the dive circumstances by adding more time to increase security. 

    If some believe that safety stops is not useful, it is their choice to desactivate it.  

    The question is from those who want to use a safety stop. When they configure to add time (3', 5'), why would it apply only on non deco dives and not every dive and why it is nowhere explained by Garmin creating obviously confusion.

    If I configure a safety stop on my MK2, I would expect the computer to trigger a countdown at every dive, and make my own decision to follow this optional stop or not, depending on my evaluation of the external factors. I am curious to understand why Garmin believes these external factors are only influencing non deco dives. 

  • Oops, I did not notice this is on MK2. MK3 is OK and does safety stops if there was a temporary deco stop shown.

  • I just experienced this in my last dive trip a week ago. MK3i didn’t trigger a safety stop at 5m for my deco dive which I thought was weird. I did my own safety stop anyways but it is a shame that Garmin fixed this bug for MK1 but let it happen again in MK3. I do hope Garmin fixes this in their next software update. 

  • Sad it is happening in MK3 again…

  • It’s a bit strange. The last sw update fixed this issue for my MK2 (~2min deco cleared through deep stops was followed by safety stop)

  • MK3i: I got a short deco obligation in a 30m dive, that was cleared while slowly ascending. At 6m the watch was showing the safety stop as usual.