Under Review
over 2 years ago

Garmin Connect Mobile on Android unable to handle MakeWebrequest Comm.HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE_FIT  on 127.0.01 (localhost)

When using Garmin Connect IQ Apps IQMapReceiver or GExporter for downloading Fit Course files from a mobile (GPX) to a Connect IQ device, it seems not to work as expected anymore.

Issue mentioned is taken into account already: Connect version 4.20 broke local http access?

Problem: When only Bluetooth is enabled in Android and companion device (fenix, edge) you reach the point to request the course list of the fit web server successfully (localhost), (mimetype: application/json).

But when you perform the next step and try to download one course, the web server does not receive the request (mimetype application/fit) and the companion app recieves error code 0 (unknown error). No Fit file can be downloaded to the connect iq companion app.


(1) you need to enable WiFi (internet connection is not required) or mobile data connection. The device will receive an external IP Address. Download works


(2) you need to turn on WiFi on edge devices and download over WiFi (IP adress assigned)

How to Reproduce:

just use the open sourcce programs from gexporter and perform the steps mentioned in the problem section

Android App to export GPX and FIT to garmin devices

Assumption: the behaviour of Web Requests inside connect mobile has been changed or is broken but not known by many due to the fact that most commercial apps (comoot) are pure web based (not rely on localhost)

Android 12

Garmin Connect Mobile 4.57  

Mobile: Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra latest firmware from July

  • Sorry but the maps Garmin explore uses are grossly inadequate for outdoor use, particularly in Tasmania where they are simply in the wrong place, or not there at all. Actual outdoor applications grade trails so one can make a better judgement of time and effort needed. This is vital and something Garmin does not do. 

  • Garmin explore really gets better over time. And i rhink e.g. thw rpite planimg now is iseable. Nevertheless it more seems rp be targetet for the outdoor devices. E.g. the Icon mapping for Course points is incompatible to the sports devices one (edge, fenix, forerunner). So still a way to go. But with an app score of only 2.4 i think it didnt had the best start.

  • I found out that the official app "Garmin explorer" does what I wanted to do with Osmand and IQmapreceiver.

    Garmin after all had something that was able to let you upload a route and even plan for it.

    If anyone is interested: play.google.com/.../details

  • Additional bug was observed now: when try to download a Ft file under best conditions (bluetooth on, mobile connected to wifi or radio) it still is broken when iqmapreceiver is running beside a running activity (e.g. start a sports activity, jump to watchface e.g. by using a hotkey, select iqmapreceiver widget, select fit file to download). Thw download request does not terminate.

  • We are waiting for the bug to be fixed, it is an important fix that gives sense to the functionality of the navigation in the field.