Is there a way to wait for a asynchronous callback and continue with execution after callback is received?

Hi All,

I'm new to Garmin wearable development, so please forgive me possibly wierd question, but I have not found an answer anywhere - Though I was searching a lot.

Thanks for any reply in advance. (Read long story short in bold)

The issue:

I´m creating an app that needs to fetch some json data using makeWebRequest on background - specifically in onTemporalEvent.

Everything is basically working as expected - EXCEPT: 

In my onTemporalEvent Im making a web request which is processed successfully and returns valid data in its callback.

Under certain conditions I want to notify user that there is something new based on the fetched data so I want to call requestApplicationWake from makeWebRequest callback.

In a point of time the data arives and are processedonTemporalEvent is already out of scope (or callback function is not running in a scope of background at all) - therefore requestApplicationWake does not take effect.

if I call requestApplicationWake from onTemporalEvent directly - I will get a prompt. however calls of requestApplicationWake beyond onTemporalEvent lifetime (understand from webRequest callback) executes with NOP.

Is there a way to wait for a web request callback in onTemporalEvent or ensure requestApplicationWake is called within background context anyhow so that requestApplicationWake is sent within onTemporalEvent after web request data are received?

Any possible workaround?



*(I know the background task lifetime is 30s maximum and that only onTemporalEvent is guaranteed to execute, but not its child processes possibly)

  • As noted above - I tested this on actual Fénix 5 plus and no prompt or anything was given. Needless to say - Im not sure if or how to use gdb in this scenario - nevertheless functionally same as simulator. As Im comming from different background please forgive my confusion - its my first project - but behavior I observe is quite expected for me .. you make a async  request and you have a reply some time in future - nobody waits for you unless you specifically care - so having implicitly blocking async calls is something unusual for me and i mostly beleive, what i see. Unfortunatelly here I see what I’d normally expect: i make async call. I got async reply. Unless I take care that I want to wait for a reply and continue synchronously - It just pops within timeout or expires. Looking at monkeyc - and api docs - it seems that this could block withiut any guarantee

    back to toppic 

    i know if I bypass the async call - prompt is given - i.e. If a call wake+exit is made from onTemporal event directly - Im propted with msg.

    do you know, if there is any refference project, I could use to check the functionality / setup?

    many thanks for your help.


  • Could you give a short description of what it is you want to do here?  Like I said what you're trying to do should work, but there may be a better way to do what you want to do