How to 'reimport' clips as new?


From troubles comes troubles....

my C: drive is a SSD drive. During an import of new clips my windows os was complaining about not enough space.

Another Garmin software (basecamp) left huge install files for safety sake on my c drive. And always want to install maps on my c drive. But that is an other story.

Anyhow I had to interrupt (cancel) the import to sort out that hard disk space problem.

Once done I started over the import, but Virb edit came back with 0 new clips (which was not the case, I hadn't imported them)

The only way to import (some 400) the clips was to indicate them manually (even multiple select is not working...) one by one.

So the question is, how to 'fool' Virb to start consider the clips on the virb camera as being new?

I also want to delete the manually imported clips, they appear in the wrong order, strangely enough.

best regards


  • If you copy the SD card to a folder on another drive...  you can drag that folder onto VIRB Edit on the Import from VIRB screen and it will appear to be another camera.  Then select it and choose Import Selection and you'll get to pick the clips you want.

    I think you might need a valid camera or SD card mounted for this to work.