Homeport pink lines

I have a Garmin Echomap 65CV. Had it for two years and loved it so much I bought the old man one. Both of us have copied the maps to SD to run in Garmin Homport.


In homeport my marine parks show up as a single dotted pink line (See Below) the same as they do on the head unit, but the old mans shows up as dotted pink line on the head unit but fat bold train track looking lines in homeport. Why?

My maps are 2017. His revision shows 2019. Is there something different in the 2019 revision that makes them show different on homeport to that on the head unit when mine display the same on both?

I’ll add an attach to show my pink dotted line example but I can’t show what the old mans look like because I haven’t got his map card here to screen cap it.


Can anybody tell me if I can turn his train tracks back into a sensible dotted line in homeport like mine works?



  • You can set thickness of tracks/routes etc in Options, maybe you have different settings?

  • Yeah I tried all that but there is no settings there for the pink lines other than tracks and routes. This isn’t a track or route, I think they actually call them laylines that are signifying marine parks, prohibited area’s, no go zones etc and are built into the maps. And secondly, the settings in options is part of Homeport not the maps. Therefore if I open homeport and load my 2017 maps it comes out normal like the example I posted, but then if I take that SD card out and put my fathers 2019 maps into it, it will load straight up as normal but then has these weird pink lines that look a little like a single rail train track and it looks terrible. I tried all the option settings while I had it open and nothing changed those lines.


    Cheers for trying to help anyway.

  • Ah ok, then I suspect you're correct and it's a map issue, in which case you're stuck with it.

  • I've finally got some example from my old mans maps in Homeport. See how the pinks dotted lines are all chunky and look like train tracks.

    Where as my maps come out with neat thin pink lines. But it's only like this with his maps in homeport, my maps are fine. Both the head units both display the same neat thin pink lines.

  • Wonder if it's a resolution problem on his monitor?  Or were those taken on the same PC?